Quickdraw Weaving Software 
Basic Quickdraw functions:
Up to 256 shafts / 256 treadles, 2000 threads in Threading sequence / treadling shots
Robust editors for Warp/Weft/Tieup editing:
-Complete control of each thread's color and size
-Intersperse copied threads between selected threads
-Add Parallel threads where desired (Echo & Iris tool controls position & color of threads)
Red-Yellow-Blue and Red-Green-Blue Primary color palette, color wheels and shades
Float Analysis display shows where longest floats in pattern are
Profile & Thread drafting modes switch nomenclature & special functions
Lift plan to tieup / Tieup to lift plan conversions
Determines Heddle counts per shaft/number of threads of each color/size in pattern
Blending tool to merge two drafts into a single draft
Able to draw photo-realistic threads in draw-down and Color Gradient Warp and/or Weft threads
Amalgamation tools
Annotations & Repeats in pattern structure, independent Color Order controls - Expansion of compressed pattern to full project
Oct. 31, 2024